Issues and Community

The power of a union is felt not only in the workplace, but the broader community.  UFCW Local 1459 is active politically, charitably, and socially in variety of ways, helping make our communities strong for our members and working families.

Browse these pages to learn more about how UFCW Local 1459 is involved in your community.

Active Ballot Club

The Active Ballot Club (ABC) is the UFCW’s political action committee and is funded entirely by voluntary union member contributions.   The Active Ballot Club works to elect pro-worker candidates and pressure politicians to support pro-worker policies.  Learn more!

Making Change at Walmart

UFCW is working in coalition with Walmart associates, community members, and a range of labor and community organizations on an exciting new campaign.  The Making Change at Walmart campaign is at the forefront of ensuring that all retail and grocery workers are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

Because of Walmart’s size and influence on the American workforce, making change at Walmart means making a difference for the future of the American middle class.  

Charities and Affiliations

The members and officers of UFCW Local 1459 are firmly committed to cooperating with charities, community organizations and other unions that work to help society grow and prosper.  Learn more!

